Migration Project
Demo Videos

Intro & Setup

Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3

You'll need 3 things to start a migration:

  1. A GTM workspace
  2. A GA4 property
  3. A GA4 datastream in that property


Effortlessly lift and shift your implementation

Keep your tags, keep your triggers, keep your settings and parameters.
Let Intarsia do the work to set up new, parallel GA4 tags.

Validate & Cleanup

See rich data in GA4 immediately

Preview, debug, publish, realtime...
then, configure details in your GA4 property, like, custom dimensions and metrics, based on your new implementation.

2 sites, 20 minutes - try it free for 2 weeks

Leverage the details of your existing analytics directly into GA4.  Our migration tools take the guesswork - and legwork -  out of your migration.